Manage your professional certifications, licenses and CEUs with ease.
Efficiently manage all your certifications and credentials in one place - Spend less time on paperwork, more time on what you do best.
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Trusted by professionals from
Start Simplifying Your Certification Management Today
Ensure your professional credentials never sideline your opportunities again. With CerTracker, securely store, manage, and share all your credentials seamlessly in one convenient location.
Centralized Document Management
CerTracker offers a centralized platform where healthcare professionals can easily manage their certifications, track renewal deadlines, and store important documents securely in the cloud. This significantly reduces the time and effort spent on administrative tasks.
Manage Continuing Education
Unleash the power of simplified CEU tracking and tailored recommendations with CerTracker! Propel your healthcare profession to new heights as we seamlessly align your interests and profession, ensuring you stay ahead with your education requirements.
Automated Renewal Notification
We understand that healthcare professionals lead busy lives, and missing a certification renewal can have significant consequences. CerTracker's automated alert system ensures that users are always aware of upcoming deadlines, reducing the risk of lapses in certification.
Stay Compliant
We are a team of healthcare professionals and technology experts passionate about simplifying the certification management process for our fellow healthcare professionals. Our user-friendly platform is trusted by healthcare professionals across the industry.
Our Features
Mobile Accessibility
With CerTracker's mobile app, manage your credentials, licenses, and CEUs anytime, anywhere, ensuring you never miss a beat in your professional requirements.
Cert Management
Maintain and manage all your important certifications and credentials from a single account, eliminating the hassle of using multiple platforms or manual tracking systems.
License Tracking
Effortlessly track multiple licenses in one centralized location, simplifying how you manage your professional standing across different jurisdictions or specialties.
Digital Document Storage
Securely upload and access all your certification documents in one place, available anytime, anywhere.
CEU Renewal & Guidance
Receive a detailed breakdown of your CE requirements and license renewal processes, demystifying what's needed to stay compliant and ahead in your career.
Timely Reminders
Never miss a deadline again with personalized license renewal and CE deadline reminders delivered directly to your inbox, ensuring you’re always prepared.
Expert Support
Have questions or need guidance? Our team of CE and license experts is just a message away, ready to provide the support you need to navigate your certification landscape.
Ready to start?
Unlock the full potential of your professional credentials with CerTracker. Choose the plan that best fits your needs and start simplifying your certification management today.
Perfect for new professionals and students

Key Features
Access to basic certification tracking
Automated renewal alerts up to 2 certifications
Digital document storage (limited capacity)
Access to community support forums
Sign up, it's free
Ideal for professionals, managing multiple certifications
Free (for Beta Tester )

Key Features
Unlimited certification tracking
Advanced automated renewal alerts
Enhanced digital document storage
CEU tracking and management tools
Email support with our CE and license experts
Sign up
Designed for healthcare facilities and educational institution
Let's Talk

Key Features
All professional plan features for multiple users
Administrative dashboard for team oversight
Bulk upload and management of certifications
Priority email and phone support
Customizable alerts and notifications for the entire team
What is CerTracker?
Who can benefit from using CerTracker?
How does CerTracker remind me of my certification renewals?
Is my personal and professional information secure with CerTracker?
Can I access CerTracker on multiple devices?
How does CerTracker help with the actual renewal process?
What if I have certifications from different states or countries?
How can I share my certifications with my employer or regulatory bodies?
Is there a fee to use CerTracker?
How do I get started with CerTracker?
What kind of support does CerTracker offer if I encounter issues?
Achieve Your State Licensing Requirements
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